2010-04-23 10:12:13 UTC
I'm a big tennis fan, and I would like to start my own tennis blog, but I know very little about blogging. I was hoping someine could answer some questions, and give me some tips?. The questions I have are the following:
1. What are some of the better free blog sites for tennis?. In other words, which blog sites are the most popular for tennis fans, where I would receive the most activity or interest on my blog site?.
2. I would like to add a free counter to my blog site. Can someone recommend some free counters to choose from, that are reliable?.
3. This question is real important: When I download pictures to my blog, will I have the option to add a small caption with each picture, describing the picture itself?. I would like to add the caption, or description underneath each picture I download. Do the various free blog sites provide the option to do this?. I did a search on blogger, and none of the pictures I saw that were posted on the different blog pages had a caption to go with the picture. Again, I would like to add this caption or description with each photo. Will I be able to do this?.
4. How many photos can I download to my blog site?. Is there some kind of limit that I can't exceed?. Also, how much text can I add to my blog site?.
5. When I'm building my blog site, will people still be able to view it?. I don't want people to see it until I have it completely finished. Will I have the option to save what I'm working on, and then post the blog site so people can view it, once I have finished it?.
I tried to explian my questions as best as possible. I would be very grateful if someone can answer these questions, and offer any other advice or insight on making my tennis blog a successful one?.
Thank you!