Im soooo sad :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( and to here people say Juan deserved to win he was playing amazing its rubbish! Just count the unforced errors Rafa had, it was awful, that practically handed Juan the match. If Rafa was on ``form`` he would have beat Juan in straight sets just like his last 6 encounters with him. So the only way Del could beat a top ranked player is if there playing absolutely RUBBISH!! Now come on you`s must agree Rafa did not play anywhere near his best tennis??? Thats for dam sure. Im not even gonna give Del Potro credit cause quite frankly i dont like him. I mean im not gonna be a sore loser just because my guy lost and have to say Juan did deserve to win, however purely based on Rafa didnt really show up, it was an imposter!! haha
I think what makes me even more angry is the fact Juan called for the trainer when Rafa is about to serve to try and take it to a tiebreak, absolutely shocking!!!!! :@ Not saying that really made things any different Rafa was still gonna play **** :(
To be honest the whole week Rafa hasnt been playing well and he said himself he wasnt feeling the ball well!! Indeed he wasnt :( :( :( :(